
The North Lakes

The Parish of St Bega, St Mungo and St Herbert in Keswick

(Worshipping in The Orthodox Church, Braithwaite, CA12 5SX )

The Orthodox Church was formerly the Old Methodist Chapel.


Inside Chapel before the Liturgy

Our founder, the Late Father John serves the Divine Liturgy at Braithwaite Chapel.
Follow the link on the Father John page for the video of his funeral.
More photos on the Braithwaite Chapel page.

Upcoming Services  (updated 26th June)

  • 29/30 June: All Saints, Gt Vespers 18:30, Matins 08:00, Divine Liturgy 10:30.

  • 7 July: Typica 10:30

  • 14 July: Typica 10:30

  • 20/21 July: Divine Liturgy 10:30 (other services TBA)

  • 27/28 July: Divine Liturgy 10:30 (other services TBA)

You can always check with me (SbDcn Richard) about service times.  Do remember that Service Times are our best estimate in these days of train strikes and other disruptions to travel (Fr A from Edinburgh, and Fr C from Penrith).  Note: If a priest becomes available on the 'Typica' days we will have a Divine Liturgy and I will update this page as soon as I know.


It is illegal, as the grass is part of the National Park.


Our Archbishop Archbishop Nikitas of Thyateira and Great Britain


Our Bishop Bishop Raphael of Ilion


Priest in charge Archimandrite Antonios (Kakalis) from Edinburgh
Deanery Senior Priest Hegumen David (Gill) from Nottingham
Visiting Priest Protopresbyter Christodoulos (Fyles) from Leyland
Sub-deacon and Webmaster Richard Downing 0799 095 2358

Read the letter of Archbishop Nikitas welcoming us under his omophorion.

Who are we?

Our parish is quite young, having been formed a few years ago when the Late Fr John Musther and his wife Presveytera Jenny-Bega moved to Keswick. Our parishioners come from many orthodox traditions, including Greek, Cypriot, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, as well as native British who have joined the orthodox communion. We do not represent any particular ethnicity but aim to present and support the ancient orthodox christian heritage for everyone.

If you are Orthodox, you will fit right in; if you are interested in Orthodoxy or if you would just like to join us for a service to see what we do, you will be warmly welcomed. We are familiy-friendly too.

We belong to the Deanery of Great Britain and Ireland, Now part of the Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Bririan
We are part of the Ecumentical Patriarchate. (but we celebate in English, not Greek or Slavonic)

Abp Gabriel and Priest vest before the Liturgy

The Late Archbishop Gabriel of Comana of Blessed Memory(behind the Icon of our Lord), his Heirodeacon Father Athanaz (in black cassock), our then priests Fathers John and Father Anthony (back to us), with visiting priest Father Christopher Wallace prepare before the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, 6th May, 2012.

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